As an obsessive PC gamer who plays at least 10 video games a month, one of the first things I wanted to find out when I got to Spain was where can I buy video games in Spain? That, of course, was before the advent of downloading most games directly online, which I now do.
But, for anyone who doesn’t like to download games or prefers to have a boxed copy of their favorite video games, here are a few stores you can shop at all over Spain that should have most of what you’re looking for.
Carrefour – only has a small selection, but their prices tend to be a bit cheaper than some of the other big stores. Other stores include El Corte Inglés (sometimes a bit more expensive, but with a good variety of games), Alcampo, Eroski, Toys R Us, and Media Markt. You can also order online from a couple of them, just do a search for their websites.
Do be aware, though, that most video games sold in Spain are dubbed into Spanish and game manuals are in Spanish too so, if you can’t understand Spanish, you’ll not want to buy them here. Instead you can download online, or order them from an online seller and have them shipped to you.
Video games in Spain are also more expensive than in the US, the UK and many other countries, so do be sure to check prices carefully before you buy.
Lastly, video games are often released later in Europe than they are in the US, which means you shouldn’t always expect to get fast access to a game. You may have to wait a couple of weeks or longer after it’s first released.
Spain, however, does have a huge gaming community with over 20 million Spaniards actively playing games. If you’re wanting to make friends with other gamers, you’ll have a lot to choose from.