Luis Bárcenas Wife Questioned over 600,000 Euros Deposited in Spanish Bank

Luis Bárcenas
Luis Bárcenas


As Spanish anti-corruption prosecutors continue to try to figure out how former Popular Party (PP) treasurer Luis Bárcenas ended up with more than 38 million euros in various overseas bank accounts, it now seems Bárcenas’ wife, Rosalía Iglesias, is also under investigation.

Rosalía Iglesias hasn’t held a job for years and has no source of private income, yet managed to put 600,000 euros in a Spanish bank account within a five year period — 2003 to 2008. One deposit was even all in 500 euro notes. Wish I had that kind of money from ‘no income’ and ‘no job’.

When asked, Rosalía Iglesias admitted she hadn’t been working but has yet to state to Spanish authorities’ satisfaction, where the money came from.

As for Luis Bárcenas himself, he’s still insisting his 38 million euros came from ‘investments’ and sales of artwork. 38 million euros? On the salary he was making as the Popular Party treasurer it’s almost impossible to come up with that kind of money — investments and art sales or not.

Of course, Bárcenas still says he didn’t take kickbacks while working at the PP. Then again, what would he be likely to say?

Bizarrely too, when the Swiss bank he deposited 14 million euros into asked him where the money came from, he told them business dealings with several Spanish and Argentinian companies.

Not so bizarrely, when questioned, three of the companies in Spain Bárcenas mentioned deny categorically that they ever had any business dealings with Bárcenas.

Seems as though the lying runs in the Bárcenas family.