Video of Metropol Parasol in Seville Shows What Residents Thought About It

video metropol parasol


Video of Metropol Parasol shows how much residents of the area love the structure

The Arup Group, a multi-national firm of designers, planners, engineers and consultants has produced an excellent video about the Metropol Parasol in Seville, a building that the firm did engineering consulting on.

In the video of the Metropol Parasol, you’ll learn about the area of Seville the structure is situation in and how, after the closure of the market at La Encarnación 38 years ago, the entire area of the city saw huge commercial decline.

Even when the building of the Metropol Parasol was announced, however, many residents of the area were opposed to it as it was seen as nothing more than a modern monstrosity next to the traditional Spanish architecture of much of this area of Seville.

Since the opening of the Metropol Parasol, however, and the resulting international acclaim of the structure, residents now see the structure as something to be proud of.

When you factor in how it has also brought hundreds of thousands of new visitors to the area and revitalized it as a commercial center, and it’s no wonder residents are ecstatic at how everything has turned out.

No longer do they see closed buildings, empty store premises and vacant houses. Instead, it’s a vibrant place full of busy shops, sidewalk cafes and restaurants, a wonderful local market, thousands of people and life.

Watch the video below. It makes you all tingly.