What are Covid restrictions in Andalucia, Spain from June, 2021? Restrictions easing in 3 phases

While Covid-related restrictions in Spain are still some of the strictest in the world, hence why the Spanish tourism industry has collapsed, Covid restrictions in Andalucia, Spain from June, 2021 are set to ease slightly.

The easing, however, will not happen all at once, but will instead be implemented in three phrases.

The first and second phases have recently occurred, with a third phase scheduled to be implemented on June 21st. Whether the third phase will still include mandatory mask wearing, however, has yet to be announced.

With mandatory indoor and outdoor masks since March, 2020, even on Spanish beaches, the country has seen a massive reduction of its tourist numbers, and will likely continue to experience devastating financial losses while masks remain mandatory.

The first easing of Covid restrictions in Andalucia in June, however, should improve the situation slightly.


What are Covid restrictions in Andalucia, Spain from June, 2021?

Each region of Spain is policing its own Covid restrictions which, while based on those that are mandated nationally, still differ slightly from region to region.

That is why, if you are planning on travel to Andalucia, you will need to understand the Covid restrictions in Andalucia before you travel there.

As of today, June 6th, 2021, these are the current restrictions — they are expected to continue to become lighter as long as Covid-19 cases in the region continue to fall. Should cases begin to rise dramatically, however, you can expect Andalucian authorities to again tighten restrictions:

  • Shops, bars, restaurants, cafes and museums are now allowed to open.
  • If you are in an area of Andalucia that has more than 5,000 inhabitants and has a 20% Covid-19 infection or more, the borders will remain closed. In those areas, only essential stores are allowed to operate. Everything else is mandated to stay closed until the infection rate lowers.
  • Restaurants, bars and cafes can now stay open until midnight. Capacity is still at a reduced level, with all establishments restricted to 75 percent occupancy indoors, but with a 100 percent rate outdoors on terraces. If the area of Andalucia is still at what the government is calling a ‘level three’ level of Covid infections, however, restaurants, bars and cafes can only operate with 50% of indoor tables filled.
  • The number of people allowed per table is also restricted, which is even mandatory if the people are from the same family living together. Those restrictions are eight people per table inside, and 10 people per table outside. (No, none of this makes any scientific sense, but it is how both the Spanish government and Andalucian officials are running the show).
  • Meetings and parties in Andalucia are now allowed with up to 300 people indoors and up to 500 people outdoors.
  • Nightclubs are allowed to stay open until 2am, but dancing is only possible outside. Even so, masks must be worn at all times.