What are Covid restrictions in Madrid, Spain from June, 2021? Do they include mandatory outdoor masks?

Enjoying a drink in a crowded bar in Madrid is still currently banned

If you are planning on traveling to Madrid, Spain from June, 2021, you will want to know what are the current Covid restrictions in Madrid before you book your trip.

After all, if the same strict restrictions that have been in existence throughout Spain since March, 2020 are still in effect, you might want to take a trip elsewhere.

With recent announcements from the Spanish government and Madrid officials about Covid restrictions in Madrid, Spain from June, 2021, this then is what you can currently expect.

Current Covid restrictions in Madrid, Spain from Friday June 4th

  • Restrictions on the number of people that can meet in Madrid have been lifted, but the Madrid government still recommends you limit the number of people you meet at one time.
  • Bars and restaurants are allowed to open, but only at 50% capacity indoors and up to 75% capacity outdoors.
  • Bar service is still banned, so all drinks must be ordered while sitting at a table.
  • Bars and restaurants are only allowed to remain open until midnight.
  • Theaters, cinemas, concerts can remain open until 1am, but with only a 75% capacity.
  • Dancing is still banned.
  • If you plan on dining indoors, up to six people may sit at a table. If outdoors, up to eight people are allowed. This restriction still holds even if you are all members of one family living together, and are over the number limit.
  • If you want to use a gym in Madrid, they are allowed to operate from 6am to midnight, but with a 50% capacity only.

And yes, just like in the rest of Spain, masks are mandatory in public spaces in Madrid both indoors and outdoors, even on beaches. The only exceptions are those engaging in sports and children under six years of age, and while eating or drinking.

That alone is likely to dissuade many would-be tourists from visiting the country this summer.