What are restrictions for travel to Spain in summer, 2021? Will they keep most tourists away?

Many tourists will choose to stay away from Spain in summer, 2021 due to the Spanish government’s strict mask mandates

If, like millions of other people, you would like to travel to Spain in summer, 2021, you will need to know about the restrictions before you do.

Restrictions that could still change by the day, depending on the current panic of the Spanish government over Covid-19.

As of today, June 5th, 2021, the restrictions for travel to Spain in summer, 2021 are as follows:

  • All tourists or other travelers heading to Spain must complete a Health Control Form (HCF), which you can complete via the Spain Travel Health website. Once you have submitted your application, you will receive a QR code. That code must be presented to authorities upon arrival in Spain.
  • If you are someone arriving in Spain from a country the Spanish government deems as ‘risk’ countries (ie: most countries), you will also be mandated to have a negative result from a PCR test taken within 72 hours of departure from your own country. This proof of a negative test must be presented upon arrival in Spain, or you will be turned back and forced to return home. You may also be asked to submit to a second Diagnostic Test for Active Infection for SARS-CoV-2 upon your arrival in Spain. You can find the list of currently named ‘risk countries’ here. The list is reviewed every 15 days, however, so do be sure to recheck before you board your flight.
  • You will be required to submit to a temperature check and a visual examination upon arrival in Spain.
  • Currently travelers from South Africa and Brazil will also be administered an antigen test upon arrival.
  • Masks are mandatory in Spain, both indoors and outdoors, and must also be worn on the beach. Social distancing, hand-washing and, in some establishments, plastic screens between tables/guests are also mandatory.


Beaches in Spain are likely to remain largely empty through 2021 as mandatory masks are still required

While the Spanish Tourism Board is desperate to see tourists return due to tens of thousands of close-to-bankruptcy tourism-related businesses nationwide, the Spanish government of Pedro Sanchez continues to insist on strict requirements for entry into Spain.

Sadly, that is likely to mean most tourists will stay away for the reminder of 2021 as, with such strident restrictions for entry into Spain in summer, 2021, many would-be tourists will choose to either stay home or go to a country more welcoming.

Especially as, with masks even mandated on Spanish beaches, most tourists will balk at being ‘masked up’ during a typically hot Spanish summer. I know I would.