Barcelona has a wonderful community biking program. Called ‘Bicing’, residents of Barcelona can buy an annual membership and then, on their travels around the city, pick up a Bicing bike.
They get up to 30 minutes free, with small charges for every 30 minutes after that. With a Bicing bike, you’re supposed to return it within 2 hours, or there is a much larger charge per hour after that.
Bicing bikes are a wonderful way to help the environment and stop pollution from taking over Barcelona. The only drawback is tourists sadly aren’t allowed to use them — they’re for residents only.
This gorgeous photo of a line of Bicing bikes was taken in Barcelona by bigglesmith, using a Lomo camera. The composition and the colors are stunning, and the graininess of the photo completes the whole ‘out of modern time’ feel of the piece.
Lomo cameras are wonderful anyway. And Barcelona is the perfect city to use them in. Now let’s just hope Barcelona eventually expands the Bicing bikes program, so visitors to the city can use them as well.